Rio in Dublin: July 27th and 28th, Capuchin Church and Day Centre, Church Street, Dublin......Be Part of It!!!!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

'Go...Do not be afraid....Serve'

Father Paul Thornton, during his opening words of the final Mass of Rio in Dublin said, 'though we have come to the end of this life giving event, this is not the end but rather just the beginning'. Rio in Dublin has been, for all involved, a life altering experience, in one way or another. It began with an idea to have an event that would allow pilgrims at home to experience the atmosphere of World Youth Day and it certainly did that, and more!

One outstanding aspect of the whole event, evident from the initial planning stages right through to the event itself, was how people, from different organisations, backgrounds and cultures, came together and worked together in the Spirit of WYD. This event was a very significant one in the life of the Archdiocese of Dublin and will serve as a sure foundation for the future.

The colour, fun, joy, enthusiasm as well as reverence, respect and prayerfullness of everybody who was there manifested what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are the children of the Resurrection and are hearts should be filled with joy as we follow Christ. Pope Francis calls us to 'Go', to 'Not be afraid' and to 'Serve'. As disciples this is our mantra...we receive the Good News to nourish us so that we can better respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters.

A huge thank you must go to all involved in this event, especially our pilgrims. It was a powerful witness to see over 200 young people stay awake all night in prayerful vigil with the Lord. To see them at 4.30am process with candles to the River Liffey to sing Dawn Prayer as the sun was beginning to rise. To see pilgrims of all nationalities chatting, laughing and praying together. To hear people speaking to each other of their faith, their journey, their love of Christ and their desire to serve Him.

As Father Paul said, this is just the beginning. We will harness that energy and build upon it so that it becomes a tsunami of hope in our city, country and world. We need Christ and Christ needs disciples. He calls us each day to discipleship, to follow Him on a path that, although at times difficult, will lead us to become who we were always meant to be. Christ assures us that He will never leave us alone on this path but rather will walk with us every single step.

To finish the words of Pope Francis as he left Rio:
"Dear young friends, as you return to your homes, do not be afraid to be generous with Christ, to bear witness to his Gospel. Bringing the Gospel is bringing God’s power to pluck up and break down evil and violence, to destroy and overthrow the barriers of selfishness, intolerance and hatred, so as to build a new world." Francis
So let us keep the momentum going, stay tuned to our Facebook Page for updates and also to let us know what you feel can be done to 'Go, without fear, and serve'
Br Martin

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